365 days

365 days have come and gone and I can honestly say that every single one of those days was an adventure. Every day taught a lesson, offered a beautiful view, and challenged me, physically or mentally or both. I am not the same person I was one year ago. Sure, I am all the innate… Continue reading 365 days

red states

When you are used to the views of the Eastern Sierras, driving into (what I call) the red states brings a whole new meaning to mesmerized. One is not more beautiful than the other. They are just different. Both remind you that every landscape re-defines your definition of nature, expanding it beyond the realm you… Continue reading red states

small puzzle piece

After arriving to the Eastern Sierras in late June, I thought, knowing me, I would start writing everything down right away. I thought I would keep track of how I was feeling, physically and mentally, track my progress in hikes and in miles, and make note of new discoveries along the way. However, this summer… Continue reading small puzzle piece